Individual Conversations
Joan is available to meet with people for an hour on Zoom. The fee for her time is any amount you choose on a sliding scale of $80 to $130 USD.
Joan meets you with no agenda, not knowing what will happen. She claims no special wisdom and promises nothing. In her view, all of us are inseparable, choiceless movements of this inconceivable, indivisible, seamless, boundless presence, exploring and discovering together as one whole happening. Each of us is a unique expression, and no one knows what anyone else needs, but we can look and listen together and see what emerges.
If you'd like to set up a meeting, email Joan for available times and full details. The email address is: info (at) joantollifson (dot) com – simply replace the words in parentheses with the standard symbols used for emailing.
Please do not send any payment until a meeting has been scheduled and confirmed. Payments can then be made by using the "Donate" button at the bottom of this page. Or you can arrange to send a check or money order in US funds through the mail.
These meetings are not intended as a substitute for professional psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical care, legal or financial advice. Please consult a licensed professional in these